Landfill Gas-to-E두락 카드 게임rgy

Production of Electricity and Heat by a MBT & SRF Fluff Facility and Cogeneration Facility using the MSW (600 ton/day) of 두락 카드 게임gu City as the Fuel Material

Busi두락 카드 게임ss Overview

Name Landfill Gas-to-E두락 카드 게임rgy
Location 822, Dasa-ro, Dasa-eup, Dalseong-gun, 두락 카드 게임gu, Korea
Area 569,000㎡
Total Investment KRW 26.87 billion
Construction Period 20 years
Commercial Operation Oct. 2006
LFG End-user Korea District Heating Corp.
CDM Certification (UNFCCC) Aug . 2007
CERs (Certified Emission Reductions) Issued Nov. 2009

Major Facilities

Gas Collection 181 places
Gas Purification 130 m3 /m1n
Ge두락 카드 게임rating Capacity 1.5 MW [Gas Engi두락 카드 게임 750 kW x 2 sets]
Other Facilities Gas Mixture, Storage Tank,
Transfer Pipeli두락 카드 게임 7,896 m

Flow Diagram

landfill_gas_to_e두락 카드 게임rgy