Consolidated Statement of 메모리 카드 게임 Position

( Millions of won )

ITEM 2023 2022 2021
Sales 999,533 1,020,936 770,441
Cost of Sales 865,005 906,985 647,524
Gross Profit 134,529 113,952 122,917
Sales & Administrative Expenses 114,137 113,013 106,869
Other Revenues 5,495 4,905 4,618
Other Operating Costs 4,806 3,937 3,770
Operating Profit 20,392 939 16,048
메모리 카드 게임 Profit 928 711 570
메모리 카드 게임 Charge 3,682 2,822 2,585
Equity Method Loss 0 0 0
Income and Loss before Income Taxes 18,328 (204) 14,881
Income Tax Expenses 3,391 551 2,968
Net Income 14,937 (755) 11,913
Other Comprehensive Income (2,329) 4,085 (132)
All-inclusive Income 12,609 3,329 11,781
Profit and Loss per Share 549 (28) 435

IR Contact : Finance and Accounting Team

Team Manager - / +82-053-606-1213

Assistant Team Manager - / +82-053-606-1104